Palliative Care Clinical Network, Community of Practice Forum

Posted by lmrpcc on 18 July 2013
Categories: News

Department of Health Associate Professor Mark Boughey (Clinical Lead and Chair) invites you to the next Palliative Care Clinical Network, Community of Practice forum – “Lost in grief”.

This forum will focus on cumulative grief including that from the perspective of refugees and immigration; bushfires; aged care; prisoners; disability; and child carers. Participants will be encouraged to identify practical strategies for use in their workplace.

The forum will be held:

Date:                Friday 9 August 2013
Time:                9.30am to 4.00pm
Venue:        Department of Health, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Further information and details for online registration can be found on the attached flier, Palliative care community of practice forum flyer
Registrations close Wednesday 7 August 2013.   You are urged to register quickly to secure a place.